Revival For Our City

Awakening a city to the reality of Jesus to bring revival in the earth.

Join us April 28 and May 5 at The Willson

On April 28 and May 5 our Sunday gatherings will be at The Willson Auditorium in downtown Bozeman.

Join us for powerful worship, a timely message, and Revival Kid’s church. Come early to enjoy great coffee, craft donuts, and lively community.

All are welcome. All are invited.

Gathering Times: 10am and 6pm

3 month high-impact training community that launches movements to bring revival in the earth.


Find Your People.

Revival communities meet all over the city, every day of the week, and everybody is invited. Our communities meet in houses, coffee shops, offices, and parks throughout the city. Get connected to an amazing group of leaders committed to helping you grow in your relationship with Jesus while using your gifts to bring revival to our city.

Baptism marks us for a future with Jesus.

Big dream.

Big team.

We have a big dream to awaken this city to the reality of Jesus and it’s going to take a big team to see revival. We want to invite you to join one of our serve teams. Teams are where you will find an amazing group of people committed to helping you grow in your faith while using your gifts to bring revival to our city.

Give to the Vision of Revival.

Generosity changes eternities. Your generosity goes directly to taking the Gospel to every corner of our city and seeing revival in our day.

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